Vertical Corridor Natgas Transport Initiative to Connect Ukraine with Greece

A relevant MoC was signed on Friday on the sidelines of a two-day ministerial conference of Central & South Eastern Europe Energy Connectivity in Athens

Slovakia, Moldova, and Ukraine were included in the joint initiative to transport natural gas from and to central and southeastern Europe after the natural gas infrastructure operators involved in the project signed a relevant memorandum of cooperation (MoC), Friday on the sidelines of the 2-day Ministerial Conference of CESEC (Central and South Eastern Europe Energy Connectivity) hosted in Athens.

The “Vertical Corridor”, as it is known, aims to utilize European natural gas and LNG transmission networks, leveraging the enhanced capabilities of new and developing FSRUs (Floating Storage and Regasification Units).

This action can further expand with the use of the facilities for renewable gases and hydrogen, highlighting the initiative’s potential impact on energy connectivity and diversification in the region.

The MoC, which involves eight countries, expresses the commitment of the natural gas and LNG transmission system operators from Greece, such as DESFA and Gastrade, Bulgaria (ICGB, Bulgartransgaz), Romania (Transgaz), Hungary (FGSZ), and Slovakia (EUStream), to promote PCI (Projects of Common Interest) and other necessary projects, jointly or individually, for the activation of the vertical corridor.

“The signing of the MoC, which now includes the system operators of Slovakia, Moldova, and Ukraine is a very important step towards reinforcing the energy supply security of the wider region,” Greek Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis said.

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