SYRIZA Splinter Group Announces Formation of ‘New Left’ Party

Eleven recently departed Parliament deputies from the main opposition SYRIZA party on Monday announced a new political formation, called “New Left” (Nea Aristera), which will field a parliament group in the country’s 300-MP legislature. The “dissident” MPs joined scores of previous office-holders, candidates, cadres and youth members in leaving the leftist party, in the wake […]

Eleven recently departed Parliament deputies from the main opposition SYRIZA party on Monday announced a new political formation, called “New Left” (Nea Aristera), which will field a parliament group in the country’s 300-MP legislature.

The “dissident” MPs joined scores of previous office-holders, candidates, cadres and youth members in leaving the leftist party, in the wake of the election – in an internal party poll – of political newcomer Stefanos Kasselakis two months ago to SYRIZA’s helm.

A lackluster performance by the once high-flying anti-bailout and radical party in last June’s general election left it with only 36 MPs in Parliament.

The newest parliament group will receive its first test this month in a debate over the draft 2024 budget.

SYRIZA has been split into two or three factions since Kasselakis’ election, with leftist hardliners and those with social democrat leaning departing. Meanwhile, the party’s new leadership has demanded that MPs who left the party resign from Parliament and turn over their seat.

Former minister Alexis Charitsis will assume the role of parliamentary group president.

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