A Supreme Court Prosecutor on Thursday ordered the initiation of criminal proceedings for electoral fraud against 11 members of the far-right Spartiates (Spartans) party, as well as against the incarcerated former Golden Dawn lieutenant Ilias Kasidiaris. The prosecutorial directive, issued by Supreme Court Judge Georgia Adilini, excludes the leader of the party, Vassilis Stigas.

Kasidiaris is accused of being the mastermind of electoral fraud, as prosecutors claim he is the real leader of the far-right party, essentially “pulling the strings” from his prison cell and playing a key role in the election of 11 candidates to the Parliament.

A court decision against Spartans’ MPs would lead to a change in the balance of power in Greece’s 300-deputy Parliament.

The prosecutor in charge conducted an investigation following public allegations by Stigas of illicit “backstage” actions within his party and has issued an order for criminal prosecution for electoral fraud to the head of the Athens first instance prosecutor’s office.

The charge leveled against the 11 MPs is a misdemeanor.