Protesting Greek Beekeepers Rally in Central Athens Today

A nationwide mobilization was set for 8AM this morning to voice demands regarding chronic issues in the sector

Beekeepers from around the country have gathered in central Athens’ Syntagma Square, across from Parliament, to demand immediate solutions to what they call persistent problems in the sector, mostly related to production costs and inadequate measures against illegal imports.

The decision was taken at a general assembly of the Federation of Greek Beekeepers’ Associations last week.

Meetings have also been scheduled with a handful of ministry leaderships to discuss the problems, while a resolution will be delivered to Parliament.

Demands include, amongst others:

  • Measures to ensure the full traceability of imported honey and prevent imports from being listed as domestic production
  • Cuts in production costs through tax exemptions, mainly diesel fuel
  • Subsidizing pollination
  • A lifting of certain restrictions dealing with wildfire prevention
  • A complete restructuring of the Hellenic Organization of Agricultural Insurances

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