Ruling New Democracy (ND) party maintains a commanding lead over its nearest rival, according to a poll conducted by GPO and  published Saturday for the newspaper “Parapolitika”.

Regarding the contentious issue of same-sex marriage, which is dominating much public discourse in the country this month, the findings confirmed a previous poll, according to which Greeks seemed split down the middle on the matter.

GPO’s findings revealed that 49.8% of respondents are opposed to a government’s draft bill to legalize same-sex marriage, while 48.1% said they favored the legalization.

Notably, the overwhelming majority of voters from leftist SYRIZA and the Communist Party (KKE) support  same-sex marriage, as opposed to 58.1% of ND voters who were negative. An even a higher percentage, 78.9%, said they were opposed adoption of children by same-sex couples.

Respondents were opposed to adoption by same-sex couples across political affiliations (68.9%) compared to 29.6% of respondents who supported the prospect.

Asked which party they would vote for if elections were held on Sunday, the figures showed:

New Democracy (ND): 32.9%
SYRIZA: 10.1%
Communist Party (KKE): 8.3%
Spartiates: 1.9%
Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution): 6%
Niki: 2.7%
Course of Freedom: 2.7%
MeRA25: 2.1%
New Left: 1.9%
Other: 2.7%
Blank, invalid: 1.2%
Will not vote: 2.1%
Undecided: 13.1%

On Wednesday, Greek lawmakers commenced a debate over the draft bill.

PM Mitsotakis made it clear during an interview with the state broadcaster (ERT) on Monday that he would follow through with his pledge to pass the law despite high-profile party Ministers and MPs expressing their open dissent, with ex-PM Samaras being among the most vociferous in his opposition.