PM Mitsotakis Addresses UK Relations, Climate Goals in Bloomberg Interview (video)

"Greece and the UK have a long history of bilateral relations; I wouldn't dwell much on this issue," Mitsotakis replied during the interview

In an all-encompassing interview with Bloomberg, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis touched upon various key issues, including the recent diplomatic row caused after the cancellation of his meeting with his British counterpart Rishi Sunak in London over the Parthenon Marbles.

“Greece and the UK have a long history of bilateral relations; I wouldn’t dwell much on this issue,” Mitsotakis replied when asked about the cancellation. He emphasized that he did not want to comment on anything related to the domestic political scene of the United Kingdom.

Regarding the swift reduction of pollution emissions in Greece, especially in the wake of the COP28 conference on climate change, Mitsotakis highlighted the country’s commitment. “Greece experienced the destructive consequences of climate change this summer, and we are extremely ambitious. Greece has taken responsibility, reducing emissions by 43 percent since 2005, speaking of the fastest reduction among EU states despite the economic and other crises our country has faced,” he stated. However, he acknowledged that there is room for further improvement.

Turning to the Greek economy, Mitsotakis expressed optimism, stating that Greece is on a growth trajectory and anticipates surpassing the Eurozone’s growth. He emphasized the significance of reclaiming the investment-grade status, which will assist Greece in borrowing costs.

Video credit: Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis Facebook

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