PM Again Promotes Landmark Initiative to Allow Non-State Unis

Mitsotakis: "Landmark legislation will be presented for public consultation after the holidays, and become a law of the land in January, opening the way for revision of (constitutional) Article 16, so that it reflects the reality of the 21st century."

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Sunday again played up his government’s most recent initiative to legislate changes that will finally allow for the establishment of non-state, non-profit universities in the country, speaking during his regular weekly review, as posted on social media.

“This landmark legislation will be presented for public consultation after the holidays, and become a law of the land in January (2024), opening the way for revision of (constitutional) Article 16, so that it reflects the reality of the 21st century,” he stressed.

In other statements, the Greek premier said this “this Christmas finds Greece having left behind it a more than 10-year series of crises, and looking to the future with greater optimism.”

He also pointed to a recent restoration of the country’s investment grade rating; an Economist kudo entailed in naming Greece as its “Country of the Year” for 2023, and last week’s decision at the ECOFIN council creating a special exemption for defense spending in relation to the Union’s excessive deficit procedure.

Additionally, he welcomed an EU agreement on migration, a decision supported by Athens, while citing a major donation announced by the Union of Greek Shipowners (UGS) for flood-stricken residents in Thessaly and central Greece.

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