PASOK Leader Androulakis Tables No-Confidence Motion

Parliament debate expected to commence on Wednesday and conclude the next day

PASOK Leader Androulakis Tables No-Confidence Motion

PASOK party president Nikos Androulakis tabled, as expected, a no confidence motion against the center-right New Democracy (ND) government on Wednesday afternoon, charging what he called a pattern of “coverup and impunity” in a series of cases he also termed as “scandals”.

He again took aim at the Mitsotakis government over the deadly Tempi rail disaster of late February 2023, speaking days after a front-page story in “To Vima”, which referred doctored audio recordings of the fateful evening between a Larissa station master and train conductors.

The no confidence motion was also backed by the parliament groups of opposition parties SYRIZA, New Left and Plefsi Eleftherias (Course of Freedom). Debate is expected to begin at 7 p.m. (17.00 GMT) and conclude with a vote on Thursday.

“The ND government has made it a habit of systematically undermining the Rule of Law. We’re paying for the same corruption, cover-up and impunity. In every scandal, in every instance of impunity, your political choice is to hide the truth. It is your political choice to impunity, to cover up, to discredit politics in our society’s eyes”, he said, in submitting the motion in Parliament.

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