Now Ex-SYRIZA Leader Kasselakis Considering Options

According to reports, Kasselakis, who was ousted in a motion of censure, is considering either remaining in leftist SYRIZA or forming a new party

Now Ex-SYRIZA Leader Kasselakis Considering Options

Recently ousted SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis will reportedly remain politically active, according to reports, with the former in meetings – via video calls – with his closest supporters over his next steps.

Kasselakis remained in his holiday home on the island of Spetses, where he reportedly conferred with his aides. Two options are for the now former SYRIZA president to remain in leftist party, or, to create a new political formation.

According to the latest developments, members of SYRIZA party’s political secretariat on Tuesday decided to hold a wide-ranging party conference on Nov. 1 through Nov. 3, with yet another internal party election tentatively set for Nov. 24, and with a possible second round for Dec. 1.

Kasselakis, a newcomer to Greece’s political scene and, indeed, an unlikely candidate to lead a radical leftist party, convincingly won a party election last September to succeed former prime minister Alexis Tsipras. His election caused a first split of the once firebrand party, with another now possible with a “Kasselakis bloc” possibly heading to the exit.

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