U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Greece’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgos Gerapetritis are expected to meet again in person at the upcoming NATO meeting, between April 3-4, according to reports at To BHMA.

The Blinken-Gerapetritis meeting is a sign of the ongoing good collaboration between Athens and DC, which some characterize as a historical high in US-Greece relations, and the mutual concern about geopolitical developments in the eastern Mediterranean region.

The two recently had a teleconference on March 18th within the framework of the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, where they discussed the instability in the Red Sea region and Greece’s role in helping promote security at sea.

During the call, Greece’s foreign minister also highlighted the importance of the agreement between the EU and Egypt to promote stability.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of State is expected to travel again to the Middle East in search of a solution to the ongoing humanitarian crisis stemming from the conflict in Gaza.