MRB Opinion Poll: ND Still Far Ahead But With Slipping Support

The opinion poll was conducted before last week’s no-confidence vote in Parliament, which the ND government survived.

Ruling New Democracy (ND) party retained a comfortable lead over main opposition SYRIZA party in the latest poll results released this week, and with respondents queried over the upcoming European Parliament election.

Nevertheless, conservative ND appears to have lost five percentage points from last month’s poll by the same firm, MRB. Conversely, leftist SYRIZA is shown as picking up 4.5 percentage points, compared to the previous such poll.

The opinion poll was conducted before last week’s no-confidence vote in Parliament, which the ND government survived.

Based on an extrapolation of the vote, ND is given 31.3% of respondents’ preference; SYRIZA receives 15.9% while PASOK-KINAL is in third place with 13.4%.

Another five lesser parties are shown receiving above the 3% threshold needed to field MEPs in the European Parliament, with the rightist-populist Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution) topping the latter with 9.9%.

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