Motion of Censure Vote Against SYRIZA leader Kasselakis Today

Results will determine whether Stefanos Kasselakis will continue as the president of the main opposition leftist party, or possibly whether another split will arise

Members of main opposition SYRIZA party’s central committee on Sunday will cast secret ballots for or against a motion of censure against party President Stefanos Kasselakis, tabled a day earlier by 100 members, and following a marathon session of the internal party organ.

The vote is being held at a downtown Athens hotel where a two-day central committee session has convened. The voting ends in the early afternoon, with a result expected shortly thereafter.

In order for the motion of censure to be approved, it must receive 50% plus one of the total votes, namely, 148 of the 295 committee members. eligible to cast such a ballot.

The development is the latest instance of infighting and dissention within the once formidable leftist party, which formed a government between 2015 and 2019. If passed Kasselakis’ tenure as party leader will face an unceremonial end, however, even if the motion does not pass a further splintering of the party is likely.

Members of the same body on Saturday voted to hold a secret vote, rather than a public roll call vote.

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