The Minister of Education, Religion, and Sports, Kyriakos Pierrakakis addressed the most recent developments regarding the tragic Tempi train disaster hosted on Mega channel on Friday, January 31. The minister emphasized the urgency of providing answers regarding the train crash.
On the occasion of the nationwide demonstrations of citizens last Sunday Pierrakakis said “Citizens demonstrated silently, but the message they conveyed was loud. We must learn what happened that night because if we don’t, the wound will keep bleeding, and this is what the Prime Minister said in his interview.”
As for the accusations that the government is disclosing crucial evidence regarding the existence of a “suspicious” cargo on the freight train that collided with a passenger train, Pierrakakis rejects any allegations of a cover-up attempt.
“We are in a cabinet meeting, a little over 50 people. There is not one of us who accepts the accusation of cover-up, and allow me to say it for myself, I do not accept it,” he stresses with conviction.
He continued by emphasizing the need for no questions to remain unanswered, stating “If there is evidence from the judiciary that points to specific responsibilities, we (New Democracy) will be the first to vote for a preliminary investigation.”
Furthermore, he stressed that were evidence to point to Hellenic Train failing to meet all safety conditions or withholding proof as to what actually occurred on the night of the train crash, then the contract with the company should be terminated. “This company has no place in our country,” Pierrakakis noted.
“There can be no shadow of doubt, there can be no failure to fully present the picture of what happened that night,” he added.
“We fully understand the message being sent by the people, and we also want the full answers to what happened that night, quickly. This is what the people are demanding, this is what we are asking for, and this will happen,” he concluded.