Humanitarian Aid Shipment Dispatched to Gaza Via Eqypt

The relief materials were collected by the NGOs Doctors of the World and International Humanitarian Aid Foundation

A shipment of humanitarian aid organized by Greece’s foreign ministry arrived by plane on Thursday at the El Arish airport in Egypt in order to be transported overland to the Gaza Strip.

The relief materials were collected by the NGOs Doctors of the World and International Humanitarian Aid Foundation, and included a fully equipped triage and primary care unit, as well as first aid and personal hygiene items.

The shipment was transported aboard a civilian plane from the Ostend airport in Belgium, part of the EU’s Humanitarian Air Bridge initiative.

A first shipment of humanitarian aid by the Greek side was transported in early November aboard a military aircraft.

The development comes on the same day that Egypt proposed a ceasefire framework.

Israeli forces have continued an all-out military campaign against the Hamas militants controlling Gaza after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israeli territory.

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