Ruling ND Party Leads PASOK in Latest Pulse Poll

People say high cost of living is their top concern

Ruling New Democracy (ND) maintains a lead, although with a diminishing percentage, according to the latest public opinion survey by pollsters Pulse. The findings reveal a gradual shift in Greek politics, as the current main opposition party, SYRIZA, is slipping into the 3rd spot.

The survey, carried out on a sample of 1,301 adult voters between September 13-16, and aired on Greek TV station Skai TV, revealed the high cost of living was the number one concern for the respondents.

Centrist PASOK party appears to be consolidating second spot in the voters’ preferences, leaving the current main opposition party of SYRIZA 3rd.

Regarding the citizens’ impressions of the Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis’s announcements at the Thessaloniki Trade Fair, the Pulse survey shows public opinion is divided, with 45% assessing them in a positive light, with 43% seeing them negatively.

The high cost of living is by far the most concerning issue (34.5%) for those asked, followed by low income at 18% and the economy in general (15%)

Regarding voting intentions, the Pulse survey showed that New Democracy gathers 24%. PASOK ranks second (13%), with SYRIZA in third place (8%). They are followed by the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and then the Hellenic Solution Party. The undecided voters reached 15%, findings that reaffirm a gradual shift in the scene of Greek politics.

According to an ALCO poll published three days ago, center-right ND is preferred by 23.7% of respondents, compared to 13.2% for socialist PASOK and 9.1% for leftist SYRIZA, which leaves it in fourth place – at least in terms of the current opinion poll.

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