Greek Political Leaders Tour Markets, Attend Church on Holy Thur.

Easter Sunday is the most important religious holiday in Greece, with preceding days among the busiest for markets and a magnet for Greek political leaders

Greek political leaders on Thursday, which is Holy Thursday on the Orthodox Christian religious calendar, “made the rounds” in local markets and Church-going in Athens, as the upcoming Easter Sunday in three days is the most important religious holiday in the east Mediterranean nation.

On his part, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis attended a Holy Thursday service at the Athens Metropolitan Cathedral, with the solemn archieratical Divine Liturgy officiated by the Archbishop of Athens and All Greece Ieronymos.

The Primate of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church greeted the prime minister after the latter entered the Athens Archdiocese’s main cathedral.

Earlier, Mitsotakis toured the commercial district in the north Athens district of Maroussi, where he spoke with citizens and shopkeepers.

On his part, the head of the main opposition SYRIZA party, Stefanos Kasselakis, visited Athens’ main meat and fish market (Varvakios) on Thursday, speaking with traders and consumers. He later traveled to the Ionian Island of Corfu, and toured the island capital’s old district.

The leader of the third-ranking party in Parliament, socialist PASOK-KINAL president Nikos Androulakis, took to the streets in the southern Athens municipality of Kallithea, where he again strongly criticized the government over the high prices of staple goods. He charged that Mitsotakis has made the country the “champion of high prices, but nevertheless, he claims his economic policy has succeeded.”

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Other Greek political leaders made similar appearances around the country on Thursday.

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