Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis used the inauguration of the annual Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) on Saturday evening, which serves as the venue for an unofficial state-of-the-economy address and the reiteration of government policies, to announce up to 45 measures, including tax breaks.

He began his address before an audience that included most of his Cabinet members, office-holders and regional and local stakeholders by saying some 500,000 new job spots were created in the country since 2019, when his first government assumed power, while referring to higher – than EU averages – growth rates in all of the country’s regions.

The measures, which he called “useful and effective solutions” rather than careless welfare benefits, include:

-Hikes in monthly benefits for two million pensioners as of Jan. 1, 2025.

-Greater support for so-called vulnerable social groups.

-A latest hike in the minimum monthly wage as of April 2025, from 830 euros today, with the goal of rising to 950 euros by April 2027.

-A 1% reduction in social insurance contributions, instead of a planned 0.5%.

-Reduction, by half, of the taxable income for municipalities of up to 1,500 residents, up from 500 until now.

In terms of dealing with the demographic crisis in the country, he said families with three children will be extended the same rights and benefits of families with four or more children.

Additionally, he announced greater incentives, of up to 7,200 euros per year, to physicians that will staff healthcare units in remote areas.