About 120,000 Greek senior high school students will be able to access free online tutoring and learning resources at the digital platform digitalschool.gov.gr set to go live on Monday afternoon, September 16, 2024. The initiative, dubbed by the Greek Education Ministry as the “top innovation” for this year’s school season, will grant students from the 5th grade in primary school through the senior high school years, access to follow live lessons through its digital space.

A total of 98 educators will provide students logged in to the platform with personalized tutoring and learning support as part of the remedial teaching covering 45 lessons throughout the school year.

The program will be interactive, as participating students will also have the chance to provide their input during the process, while all the learning material in physical classrooms will also be available in digital form to download.

Modern Greek Language and Mathematics course material for all grades of primary school is now accessible on the new platform, according to the Ministry of Education.

Furthermore, by the end of 2025, a total of 2,500 accessible and digitized videos will be uploaded, covering 49 subjects from 5th grade of elementary school through the 12th grade of high school.

The government and the Greek Education Ministry have prioritized the implementation of the digital learning platform, which is part of the broader plan for the Digital School, presented last May. Its goal is to strengthen the educational process across all school grades.