Greek DM: Greece Eyes 4th FDI Frigate

Minister Nikos Dendias made the announcement after witnessing the launch of the FDI frigate ‘Nearchos’ at the Naval Group shipyard in Lorient, France

Greece’s relevant defense minister on Thursday said Athens will begin negotiations for the procurement of a fourth Belharra-type or Kimon-class (FDI HN) frigate from France’s Naval Group, speaking during the launch ceremony of a second such warship at the Lorient shipyards.

Minister Nikos Dendias made the announcement after witnessing the launch of the frigate ‘Nearchos’ into the waters off the Atlantic coast shipyard, but without going into details. The first in its class frigate ordered by Greece is the ‘Kimon’, whose construction has rapidly progressed. A third such warship will be the ‘Formion’.

An initial contract between the Greek state and Naval Group foresaw a 3+1 agreement, with Athens apparently activating interest for a fourth FDI frigate. The deal, when first signed, was billed at a value of five billion euros, but at the time included the prospect of purchasing at least three French-made corvettes.

Additionally, Dendias, the former foreign minister, said upcoming upgrades and modernization will take place on the Hellenic Navy’s four German-designed MEKO-class frigates (three of which were constructed in a Grek shipyard), the locally produced Roussen-class fast attack missile boats and the 209-class submarines.

He also cited the procurement of four US Coast Guard Island-class patrol boats, as well as what he said was Greece’s future participation in designing and producing a new Constellation-class frigate and participation in the European corvette program.

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