Initial opinion poll results after Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ state-of-the-economy televised address over the weekend and a customary across-the-board press conference show that six out of 10 respondents don’t believe the measures that were announced by the premier will increase their real income.

The same holds true for efforts to stem nagging inflation, improve public healthcare and raise low-end salaries, with all three issues remaining the main problems affecting respondents, according to the poll by the GPO firm. The results were announced on the prime-time newscast of Athens-based Star Channel.

Asked about the now beleaguered and possibly splintering main opposition party, SYRIZA, 42.8% of respondents who said they voted for the leftist party consider that former prime minister Alexis Tsipras is the best choice to return to its helm – even though he’s expressed no such interest.

In terms of voters’ preferences, ruling New Democracy (ND) party leads now second-place PASOK by 15.2% points, while SYRIZA falls to third place.

Specifically, center-right ND picked up 27.2% of respondents’ preference to PASOK’s 11.8%.

While still maintaining its Parliament mandate as the main opposition party, SYRIZA nevertheless dips below the double-digit mark with 9.3%.

In terms of the lesser opposition, the Communist Party (KKE) pools 8.3%, followed by the right-of-center and Eurosceptic Greek Solution (Elliniki Lysi) party at 8.1%.

A surprise entry above the 3% threshold is the newly formed and out-of-parliament Foni Logikis (Voice of Reason) party, also on the right-of-center political spectrum, which garnered a 4.1% nod by respondents.