As the Gaza war in the strip intensifies with IDF forces continuing their military operations to eradicate Hamas militants, it was revealed that over 100 journalists, primarily Palestinians, have been killed since the flare-up of the war.

An association of international media outlets, comprised of 50 journalists representing 13 organizations, conducted an investigation under the auspices of Forbidden Stories – a NGO with the mission “to continue and publish the work of other journalists facing threats, prison, or murder”.

The investigation was published today in outlets such as German “Der Spiegel”, French “Le Monde”, ARIJ (a Jordan-based group of Arab media), British “The Guardian”, German TV “ZDF”, and others. It examined the cases of journalists who were killed or injured while covering the Gaza war or attempting to report on the daily lives of Gaza residents, who are facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

“This is one of the most egregious attacks on press freedom I have ever seen,” said Carlos Martínez de la Serna, Program Director of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

The Israeli military has persistently dismissed allegations that it targets journalists as false.

According to French journalist Laurent Richard, co-founder of Forbidden Stories, “Journalists in Gaza have long known that the press vest no longer protects them. Even worse, it exposes them more,” he stated in an article published today.