Ex-Golden Dawn Leader to Return to Prison

Michaloliakos was recently relesed from serving a more than 13-year sentence

A local Appeals court in Lamia, central Greece decided to reincarcerate former leader of extreme right party Golden Dawn (Chysi Avgi) Nikos Michaloliakos overturning a recent first instance Court ruling which had released him.

The bench accepted the prosecutor’s recommendation for his return to prison judging Michaloliakos had exhibited no remorse to justify his release, reasoning he continued to openly praise illegal Nazi activities of his former party Gloden Dawn on digital platforms.

During the second hearing, the prosecutor had recommended that Michaloliakos remain incarcerated, citing his conviction as a leading figure in the criminal organization and insufficient requirements for his release, although the former Golden Dawn leader met legal requirements for release.

The former leader of Golden Dawn was serving a 13-and a half year sentence after the first Instance Court of Athens had deemed Michaloliakos was the founder and leader of a criminal organization.

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