Europarliament Report Calls on Greece, Other Members to Crack Down on Spyware

MEPs called for justice for the killing of journalists and welcomed the agreement on the media freedom act

A report on the state of fundamental rights in the EU was approved on Thursday in the European Parliament with 391 votes in favor, 130 against and 20 abstentions.

Among others, MEPs called for justice for the killing of journalists and welcomed the agreement on the media freedom act, while reiterating concern over the use of spyware, “highlighting the need to regulate the industry strictly and calling on EU countries, in particular Greece, Hungary, Poland, Spain, and Cyprus” to follow Parliament’s recommendations on this front.

In Greece’s case regarding the protection of journalists, MEPs and European institutions have repeatedly called for arrests, trials and convictions of those responsible for the assassination of investigative journalist Giorgos Karaivaz in April 2021.

The recommendation for Greece calls on the Mitsotakis government to “urgently restore and strengthen the institutional and legal safeguards”, repeal export licences that are not in line with EU export control legislation, and respect the independence of the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy.”

On their part, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats grouping went even further, posting on Instagram that “…Greece must not be allowed to turn into another Hungary!”

The post added that “…For the second year in a row Greece came last among EU countries in terms of media freedom, according to Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index. Journalists face threats, attacks – including from high-ranking politicians and ministers – their privacy is violated with the knowledge of the Prime Minister, and the list goes on…”

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