Eurobarometer Spring 2024: Greeks Pessimistic About Economic Situation

On the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greeks diverged substantially from their EU counterparts, as 50% were "dissatisfied" with the EU’s handling of the crisis

Economic hardships and the high cost of living have made Greeks deeply polarized, pessimistic, and distraught, according to the recent Spring 2024 Standard Eurobarometer, with an overwhelming 82% describing the economic situation in the country as “completely bad”, in contrast to 58% of EU citizens who shared this sentiment.

On the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Greeks diverged substantially from their EU counterparts, as 50% were “dissatisfied” with the EU’s handling of the crisis, and 57% felt similarly about their own government’s response.

Greeks also appear to be among the most pessimistic about the future, with 44% believing the economic situation will deteriorate in the next year, compared to 38% who expect it to remain the same, and only 17% hopeful for improvement.

High inflation emerged as the main reason for the disillusionment of the Greek public opinion, as 52% of the respondents cited “rising prices and the cost of living” as the country’s most pressing issue, followed by 35% who pointed to the “economic situation.”

Greeks’ concern about inflation and the dire economic conditions also affects their expectations for EU intervention, with 44% calling for measures in “the economy (competitiveness, public debt)” and 41% focusing on “unemployment.” In contrast, only 25% and 21% of EU citizens, respectively, prioritized these issues.

Eroded Trust in Institutions

Greeks appeared highly mistrustful of the institutions, with 71% expressing a lack of confidence in their government, 70% in their parliament, and 52% in the EU. In comparison, the corresponding figures for EU citizens were 61%, 57%, and 42%.

Identity and Connection to Europe

When asked about their identity, 57% of Greeks saw themselves as Greek and European, while 42% identified as Greek. However, 55% felt “not at all” connected to the EU, whereas 98% felt “completely” connected to Greece and their specific region of origin.

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