EU Issues Firm Response to Vladimir Putin’s Nuclear Conflict Threats

The EU spokesperson stated Putin continued to deceive his nation and was trying to continue to deceive the international public

The EU issued a firm response to threats leveled by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday that the West risked a nuclear war if countries sent troops to Ukraine via the EU’s External Affairs spokesperson, Peter Stano who stressed Putin was playing to his electorate ahead of the national elections in Russia.

Earlier on Thursday, during a speech before lawmakers and other members of the country’s elite, the Russian President warned Western nations that Moscow could strike on their territory. “(Western nations) must realize that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilization. Don’t they get that?!” said Putin.

The EU spokesperson stated Putin continued to deceive his nation and was trying to continue to deceive the international public, “if there is still someone listening to him”. He pointed out that Putin’s speech was part of his attempt for re-election and that it is yet another example of his efforts to avoid responsibility for the war he started in Ukraine.

The EU official underlined that Putin’s address was yet another opportunity for the Russian leader to channel the very well-known lies emphasizing that Putin started the war against Ukraine, and was responsible for all the consequences, internally in Russia, regionally in Ukraine, but also on the global stage.


Peter Stano was also asked about Transnistria’s appeal to Russia for protection from Moldova’s pressure, stating the European Commission was closely monitoring developments in the region.

As he said, there is continuous communication with the government and authorities of Moldova, and there was confidence that they would do everything to handle the current situation.

“The EU continues to support the peaceful and comprehensive solution to the conflict around Transnistria, which we approach based on respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova,” concluded Peter Stano.

Transnistria is a region not recognized by the international community, officially known as the Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic, recognized as part of Moldova. It is located between the western borders of Ukraine and the eastern part of Moldova. The small territory hosts some 20,000 tons of Soviet-era weapons from the 14th Guards Army of the USSR and also from the former states of Czechoslovakia and East Germany, while 1,500 Russian troops are stationed there.

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