The final ballot was tallied at around 8 am on Monday, with ruling conservative New Democracy (ND) receiving 28.31% of the votes, while main opposition party SYRIZA got 14.92% in the 2024 EU elections, according to the official results.

Centrist PASOK received 12.79% of the ballots to come in third place, while populist right wing party Greek Solution (Elliniki Lysi) garnered 9.30%, bumping the Communist party of Greece (KKE) to 4th spot with 9.25%.

Notably, two other populist parties, Niki and recently formed Voice of Reason (Foni Logikis), the surprises of the evening, recorded gains with the former receiving 4.37%, and the latter, in its first bid, gathering 3.04% support. Left party Pleusi Eleftherias received 3.40%.

Voter turnout came in at 41.39%, with 4,062,092 Greeks having voted, which left the abstention rate at 58.61%.

Based on the percentages received, the seat distribution of the parties in the EU Elections is as follows:

ND – 7 seats

SYRIZA – 4 seats

PASOK – 3 seats

Greek Solution – 2 seats

KKE – 2 seats

Niki – 1 seat

Pleusi Eleftherias – 1 seat

Voice of Reason (Foni Logikis) – 1 seat