EP Elections Poll: New Democracy Poised to Reach 33% Target

ND leads by a 16.8% margin over SYRIZA (16.2%) in voting estimates

Six days before the June 9 European Parliament Elections, ruling New Democracy (ND) appears poised to achieve its 33% target, according to the latest poll by pollsters Opinion Poll.

ND leads by a 16.8% margin over SYRIZA (16.2%) in voting estimates with PASOK coming in third with 12.3%, followed by the Greek Solution at 9%. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE) stands at 8%, Course of Freedom at 3.7%, and Victory at 3.4%.

Based on the poll’s voting estimate, the seats would be distributed as follows: New Democracy 8, SYRIZA 4, PASOK 3, Greek Solution and KKE 2 each, Victory 1, and Course of Freedom 1.

The findings showed that four parties are just below the 3% threshold needed to elect MEPs. New Left stands at 2.7%, MeRA25 at 2.6%, Voice of Reason also at 2.6%, and the Democrats at 2.5%.

Meanwhile, the same poll reveals that Greeks voters demonstrate a high level of interest in the European elections, with 70.6% stating they are very or fairly interested. In addition, 79.9% of respondents indicate that it is unlikely or very unlikely they will abstain from voting.

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