The Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said a staff’s relative died on 18 November 2023, and another was injured in an attack on an MSF convoy trying to evacuate 137 MSF Palestinian staff members and their families.

The organization, an international humanitarian medical group, strongly condemned the attack saying it was “deliberate”. MSF claims the convoy, consisting of five vehicles, all prominently marked with the distinctive Doctors Without Borders logo, was evacuating 137 people, including 65 children. The vehicles, MSF says, were visibly labeled on their roofs, forming a medical procession aimed at providing assistance and support to those in need.

The humanitarian organization maintains it had informed both sides about the motorcade’s movement. The vehicles, MSF says, were on a route designated by the IDF passing through Salah Al Deen Street.

The vehicles were allegedly blocked from passing through the final check point near Wadi Gaza by the Israeli military compelling the organization’s staff to retreat to MSF facilities after hearing gunshots.

MSF alleges that as the convoy was on its way back to the checkpoint two vehicles came under deliberate attack near the organization’s offices resulting in the death of an MSF staff’s relative and the injury of another person. The group called for an immediate ceasefire, saying it was the only way to create corridors for the safe evacuation of civilians trapped in the conflict zone.