Chrisochoidis Orders over 100 Greek Police Back to Active Duty

According to reports at, the ultimatum orders police that had been reassigned to various departments to return to active duty by 8am on Wednesday

Greek Minister for Citizen Protection Michalis Chrisochoidis has issued an ultimatum ordering the return of over 100 police back to active duty by Wednesday December 10 at 8am, according to reports at

The action will put an end to transfers within the Greek police force where policemen request to be dispersed to various departments and removed from active duty. Reports say that Chrisochoidis has frozen several additional requests for transfers over the past few days.

The number of police on active duty had been reduced by 70-80% and led to a weaker presence of patrol cars and special police teams, as well as a poor functioning of the emergency call center in Greece which is reached by dialing “100.”

This occured because many police had been transferred to protecting Greek VIPs, to other positions within the force, and even to enable members of the police force to return to their places of origin.

Reports also note that 50% of all crime in Greece occurs in the Attica region, which posts only 35% of the country’s police officers, and that thousands are effectively inactive in regional services.

Minister Chrisochoidis was assigned to the Ministry of Citizen Protection as part of the most recent cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Mitsotakis.  It will be the fifth time that Chrisochoidis takes the reigns of the Ministry of Citizen Protection, which is exceptional in the Greek political context. Initially starting his career with the Greek political party PASOK, he is now affiliated with New Democracy and has been credited with dismantling the infamous Revolutionary Organization 17 November terrorist organization in 2002.

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