Archbishop Ieronymos II Calls for Roll-Call Vote in Greek Parliament on Same-Sex Marriage Bill

"In this way, we both safeguard democracy and secure the interests of the Greek People, in the best possible way," the head of the Greek Orthodox Church said in an interview

Archbishop Ieronymos II of Athens and All Greece called for a roll-call vote in the Greek parliament on a draft bill regarding same-sex marriage and adoption of children in an interview on Wednesday, according to

Speaking to a radio station run by the Archdiocese of Athens “Stathmos tis Ekklhisias” 89.5 on Wednesday, the head of the Orthodox Church in Greece stated: “Our country is a democratic country within the global events and forums. Indeed, the Greek people are democratic and have passed down democracy since ancient times. It would be good, therefore, in the full free expression of the Republic that envelops the Greek parliament, for this specific vote to be nominal. In this way, we both safeguard democracy and secure the interests of the Greek People, in the best possible way.”

The draft bill was submitted to the Conference of the Presidents of the Parliament on Wednesday, with the joint bi-partisan body deciding to allocate up to two days for the discussion and voting of the bill in a Plenary.

Meanwhile, objections to the constitutionality of the bill were dismissed during the proceedings. The protests were raised by right-wing parties Greek Solution (Elliniki Lisi), Spartiates (Spartans), and Victory (Niki), which invoked the protection of the institution of the family and the reaction of the church.

In the previous days, during the processing of the bill in the committees of the Parliament, rapporteurs of ruling New Democracy, SYRIZA, PASOK, New Left and Freedom approved the bill on principle, while the Greek Communist party (KKE) aligned with the right-wing parties voting against it.

The bill has caused division in Greek society, as even top Ministers of the government have openly opposed it, while both the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church and the semi-autonomous Monastic Community of Mount Athos unequivocally condemned the legislation in official statements.

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