The latest opinion poll results presented on Monday show a continued and comfortable lead by ruling New Democracy (ND) party over its political rivals, with the other notable finding being leftist SYRIZA’s steady collapse in voter approval ratings.

Center-right ND is preferred by 25% of respondents, without an extrapolation of the results, with now second-place PASOK pooling 15.3%. SYRIZA’s figure falls to 6.5% of valid responses. In a related development, 57% percent of respondents who said they are SYRIZA voters said they believe another inter-party candidacy by deposed president Stefanos Kasselakis will result in his re-election to its helm.

The poll was conducted by the Alco firm and presented on the prime-time newscast of Alpha channel.

Some 21% of respondents said they now view social/social democrat PASOK as a reliable alternative to the current government, a figure that easily outpaces the rest of the political opposition, as other lesser parties receive single-digit support in this category.

If a general election was held on Sunday, the Alco poll shows eight parties exceeding the 3% threshold (of valid votes) for entering parliament.

Despite ND’s standing lead and the fragmentation of the opposition, results show dissatisfaction among the public, with 44% of respondents saying the situation is worsening for them and their families, compared to only 9% of respondents saying the situation is improving.

Additionally, 55% of respondents said they’re not satisfied with the performance of the Mitsotakis government.