Results of the latest ALCO opinion poll unveiled this week again show a clear-cut lead for ruling New Democracy (ND), with main opposition SYRIZA party apparently falling below the “psychological” double-digit barrier and PASOK emerging firmly in second place.

Specifically, center-right ND is preferred by 23.7% of respondents, compared to 13.2% for socialist PASOK and 9.1% for leftist SYRIZA, which leaves it in fourth-place – at least in terms of the current opinion poll.

The opinion poll was conducted by the Alco firm and presented on the prime-time newscast of Athens-based Alpha channel.

The showing for PASOK is higher than the party garnered during the recent European Parliament election.

Right-of-center and Eurosceptic Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution) is third with 9.4%. The figures emanate from the question of who a respondent would vote for if general elections were held on Sunday, and based on valid answers.

Wide-spread dissatisfaction (85%) is again ascertained over high and rising prices.

Meanwhile, in terms of PASOK party’s internal election next month, incumbent Nikos Androulakis appears to have a 5.6%-point lead over Athens Mayor Haris Doukas, who less than a year since assuming the reins of the municipality is now seeking to assume the once formidable party’s helm.