Metron Analysis: ND Clearly Ahead with 29.8%; PASOK Firmly Second

The once upstart radical leftist SYRIZA falls to fifth place in poll results amid leadership crisis after Stefanos Kasselakis deposed

Ruling New Democracy (ND) party remained solidly in first place (29.8%) in the latest opinion poll results announced on Thursday evening by the Metron Analysis firm and presented on the prime-time newscast of Athens-based Mega Channel.

Center-right ND is shown with marginal losses compared to the same poll by Metron Analysis last month, while socialist-cum social democrat PASOK now firmly in second place (with 15.7%) and easily exceeding leftist SYRIZA, the main opposition party in Parliament, which falls to single-digit “territory” and is, in fact, now fifth in terms of the poll results.

ND garnered 29.9% of respondents’ preferences, exceeding its tally in last June’s European Parliament election by more than 1 percentage point.

Third place goes to the right-of-center and Eurosceptic Elliniki Lysi (Greek Solution) party, with 10.9%, followed by the Communist Party, with 9.7%. The now beleagured SYRIZA party, which is effectively without an elected leadership after Stefanos Kasselakis was deposed by a majority central committee vote, picked up 9.5%.


Another bit of good news for PASOK from the specific poll is the fact that 47% of respondents said they could, in the future, possibly vote for the party in a general election. The corresponding figure for ND is 41%, the percentage it received in the July 2023 election.

A rising cost-of-living is deemed as the most serious problem facing citizens, with 46% of respondents saying so, followed by the state of the economy, 23%.

Despite the modest 29.8% showing, the Mitsotakis government and its rival main opposition are evaluated negatively by a majority of respondents, with the former earning a 68% “thumbs down”, whereas SYRIZA earned a whopping 87% disapproval figure.

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