The Cost of A Christmas Dinner in Greece

INKA (General Consumer's Federation of Greece) estimates an increase of approximately 20% compared to last year

The Secretary-General for Commerce and Consumer Protection, Sotiris Anagnostopoulos, disputed findings of a 20% increase in food products this year announced by INKA (General Consumer’s Federation of Greece), presenting contrasting data from IELKA, a Greek consumer goods research institute, during an interview on Greek TV.

According to Anagnostopoulos, turkey prices have remained unchanged from last year, with certain chains even reducing prices. He notes that lamb is priced at 10 euros and goat at 11 euros.

Regarding the “Christmas basket”, a bevy of goods on a discount for consumers, effective from December 13, it’s reminded that INKA estimates an increase of approximately 20% compared to last year. The consumer organization, in its statement, reveals the results of a price survey indicating that this year’s Christmas table would be around 147.15 euros, compared to 119.25 euros last New Year’s Day for the same items. It emphasizes that the cost calculation does not include prices for olive oil, electricity, and lemons.

Some of the prices for food products included in the survey by INKA for a 4-person table include:
• 2 kg turkey (11 euros per kg) 22 euros
• 2 kg pork chops (13 euros per kg) 26 euros
• 1 kg sausages (9 euros per kg) 9 euros
• Tomatoes 300 grams (2.5 euros per kg) 0.75 euros
• Potatoes 1.2 per kg
• Feta cheese (13 euros per kg) 6.5 euros
• Bottled wine (0.750 ml) 14 euros
• Soft drinks (8 × 0.85 euros) 7 euros
• Beers (2 × 2.10 euros) 4.20 euros
• Honey-dipped desserts (1 kg) 16 euros
• Sweets 12 euros
• Fruits 3 euros
• Turkey filling 12 euros
Total: 147.15 euros.

Regarding inspections on market prices, the Minister underscored the need for vigilance, especially during periods of high demand, to prevent speculation at the expense of consumers.

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