Tenders for Photovoltaic Projects with Batteries Start March

The tender will be for projects of around 200MW that are at a mature phase and have already received connection rights to the grid

Tenders for photovoltaic projects with batteries will start in March, with the call for tenders expected from the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste & Water (RAEWW) at the end of February, according to OT.gr.

A source at the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy told OT that tenders will be for projects of around 200 MW that are already mature and have received the right to connect to the grid.

The Ministry’s aim is to add batteries to mature projects in order to improve the grid’s ability to absorb the energy produced through renewables by storing excess energy created during peak production times and releasing it when there is low production.

The concept is part of a greater plan by the Ministry that will be rolled out in phases, according to a document that Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy Alexandra Sdokou sent to Parliament. Dependent upon the results of the first tender, there may be additional ones in the future.

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