Survey: Employers in Greece Face Difficulty in Finding Skilled Staff

Country in 'top 4' worldwide, along with Japan, Germany and Israel

Employers in Greece are increasingly finding it difficult to hire skilled employees, with the country experiencing a human resource crisis, similar to Japan, Germany and Israel.

According to a ManpowerGroup survey, whose results were released on Wednesday, 82% of employers in the country said it was very difficult to find skilled labor, a figure that marks an 11-year high and one that surpasses the global average of 75%.

Recruiting skilled labor has progressively become more difficult in the east Mediterranean country, with the percentage rising from 42% in 2014, to 61% in 2018 and 77% in 2023.

The sectors reporting the biggest shortages are communication services and industry/construction, where 89% of employers reported difficulty in finding qualified employees. The energy and utilities sector is second with 88%.

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