Stelios Papadopoulos (JP Morgan): Greece’s Financial Growth Attracts Investors

This interest extended to new domains such as agri-food, technology, and healthcare, in addition to the more traditional sectors.

Stelios Papadopoulos, Head of JP Morgan for Greece and Cyprus, emphasizes the significant interest of international investors in sectors of the Greek economy beyond the traditional ones, such as tourism, infrastructure, logistics, and banking.
During the recent Greek Investment Forum held in New York, where representatives of Greek companies engaged with international investors, Papadopoulos highlights that investors exhibited a keen interest in companies capable of devising medium to long-term strategic plans spanning various sectors. This interest extended to new domains such as agri-food, technology, and healthcare, in addition to the more traditional sectors.
Papadopoulos also notes that a significant factor attracting investors is the developmental trajectory of the Greek economy, and he estimates that there is greater confidence in the country than in the past.
This vote of confidence stems from the fact that international investors appreciate the growth trajectory embraced by the country over the past decade and the impact that the disciplined investment plan and reforms have had on the business environment. “They see the vitality of the corporate sector and have greater confidence than in the past,” he says.
In this context, he also emphasizes the importance of reliable investments and fiscal discipline. He further points out that if Greece maintains the determination to continue on this path, there will be no significant reasons for foreign investment flows to stop.
However, he expresses concern about broader geopolitical and political risks globally, “No country is immune to the broader geopolitical and political risks present in today’s landscape; however, Greece maintains its attractiveness derived from the impact of past investments, its demonstrated fiscal discipline, and the vitality of its companies.”

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