Professionals Most in Demand by Greek Businesses

The field survey saw participation from 5,076 Greek businesses, with results weighted by region and sector of activity to ensure they are representative of the entire country

A recent study by the Central Union of Chambers of Greece, in collaboration with market research firm Palmos Analysis, has identified the most sought-after professions by Greek businesses from February to May. These include salespeople, accountants, general duty clerks, engineers, waiters, and professional drivers.

The field survey saw participation from 5,076 Greek businesses, with results weighted by region and sector of activity to ensure they are representative of the entire country.

Commenting on the research, Yannis Masoutis, president of the Central Union of Chambers of Greece (K.E.E.E), stated: “The new comprehensive study by the K.E.E.E Research Institute accurately and consistently identifies the needs of the business community and serves as a significant tool for the labor market.”

The research data offer insights that can help align supply with demand through close collaboration with the state, enabling strategic planning for the future of business in Greece.

The analysis of professional categories has been broken down by region and is also available for the largest regional units on a local, geographical level. Additionally, it is categorized based on the main sector of business activity, key employment metrics, and turnover.

This comprehensive data set allows the administration and relevant authorities to design effective employment, education, and training programs for the workforce, aiming to balance supply and demand in the labor market.

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