New Minimum Wage Increase in Greece to Take Effect in April

The government plans to raise the average wage to 1,500 per month by the end of its tenure

The Greek government’s pledge to raise minimum wages to 950 euros by the end of its 4-year term is gradually taking shape, as the competent Ministry plans to put the next phase into effect on April 1st of this year with a new increase.

From April 1st, 2023, an increase in the minimum wage, by 9.4% to 780 euros gross for low-wage workers, has been in effect.

The government plans to raise the average wage to 1,500 per month by the end of its tenure. The Ministry aims for the new minimum wage increase to come into effect around the same time as in 2023, from April 1st.

According to Eurostat, Greece’s gross minimum wage stands at 910 euros as of January 2024 data, with Luxembourg nationals, in comparison, receiving over 2,500 euros per month on average.

If everything goes according to the government’s plan, from April 1st, 2024, there will be another increase which will depend on inflation, the budget, and the overall performance of the Greek economy.

According to the government’s plan, the change in minimum wage will rise from April 1st, 2024, a percentage uptick from 5.1% to 6.4%

The rise is estimated to positively impact approximately 600,000 workers, depending on their years of employment as follows:

Under three years of work: 820 euros or 830 euros (from 780 euros)
– Three-year period employment: 902 or 913 euros (from 858 euros)
– Two 3-year periods of work: 984 or 996 euros (from 936 euros)
– Three 3-year periods: 1,066 or 1,079 euros (from 1,014 euros)
– Married employees will see an additional 83 euros.

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