Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

The report notes that the Parthenon Marbles, along with Assyrian and Roman artifacts, are housed in an antiquated room on the verge of crumbling, with leaky roofs, peeling paint from the walls, problematic climate control, and cracked floor tiles.

The crisis in the region has driven up the price of goods from Asia, as cargo ships seek to avoid the dangerous Suez Canal and make the round of the Horn of Africa, increasing both the cost of delivery and time.

In his presentation, Mitsotakis underlined the potential of the Greek economy highlighting the country’s return to a stable growth path, while briefing the attendees on the significant investment opportunities opening up, especially in the infrastructure and logistics centers, energy, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals sectors.

Urging its millions of readers to abandon the typical “touristy” vacations and visit the Greek island, El Pais draws attention to the famous “To Pidima Tis Grias” beach using a striking photograph in the piece.

The leader of PASOK-KINAL highlighted a laundry list of what the party sees as offenses and violations of justice in his tirade against the government, including the Predator wiretapping scandal, the Tempi railway accident, and New Democracy’s attempt to amend criminal codes “for the umpteenth time in 5 years,” based on the needs of the party, according to a report at To Vima.

Always stay up to date with To Vima’s News Wrap-up.