In Case you Missed it – A News Wrap-up

Catch up on the most important events in Greece from the day before with To Vima English Edition's News Wrap-up

Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

If the announcement-cum provocation materializes, it would be the first direct back-tracking by the Erdogan administration amid a recent rapprochement between Greece and Turkey to normalize relations after nearly four years of frigid and often tense relations.

Based on Google’s searches for the past year, Greece emerged as the top-searched-destinations for the British, while in terms of the most searched cities Orlando was at the top of the searches, while Greece secured another top spot in preferences, with Rhodes winning the “crown” as the most popular island.

The bank cautions anyone expecting to acquire positions in Greece at low prices may be disappointed, as strong investment demand is evident, particularly in the demand for Greek assets.

Focusing on the suitability of political leaders for the role of Prime Minister, he highlighted a consistent trend observed in all polls since the 2023 elections. Notably, half of the voters from the opposition parties, SYRIZA and PASOK-Movement for Change, expressed reservations about the suitability of their respective leaders for the position of prime minister.

Inflation in the Eurozone was 2.9%, compared to 2.4% in November. Across the European Union, annual inflation reached 3.4% in December 2023, rising from 3.1% in November marking a significant decrease from the 10.4% recorded one year earlier.

Always stay up to date with To Vima English Edition’s News Wrap-up.

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