In Case you Missed it – A News Wrap-up

Catch up on the most important events in Greece from the day before with To Vima English Edition's News Wrap-up

Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

Net revenues totaled 59.162 billion euros over the 11-month period, up by 195 million euros from the target, while regular budget revenues were 65.430 billion euros, up by 328 million (0.5%) from the target.

Archbishop Ieronymos later provided a guided tour of the Church of Greece’s Agios Porphyrios Gerontology Center in the coastal Dilesi township, located due north of Athens in Viotia (Boeotia) prefecture. This center, founded during Archbishop Ieronymos’ tenure, provides care for the elderly.

The fully renovated building, billed now as a “green” work space, will host some 100 of the ATHEX-listed bank’s top staff. According to Eurobank, the headquarters will also feature a state-of-the-art conference room in its ground floor, one designed by Microsoft.

Mendoni’s quote is attributed as “fill the void” at the British Museum, according to long-time Guardian correspondent in Athens Helena Smith.

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