Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

Total deposits were up in the month of August on a year-to-year basis at 1.9%, compared to 1.4% in July, according to a press release by the Bank of Greece (BoG).

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) predicts growth of up to 2.4% for the Greek economy in 2024 while it forecasts a growth of 2.6% for 2025, in its latest report on the outlook for the countries it finances.

The Greek Data Protection Authority (DPA), the independent body established to supervise the protection of private citizens’ personal data, imposed a fine worth €150,000 on the country’s Ministry of Citizen Protection for violating the relevant law in the process of issuing the new identity card (ID).

Eleven environmental and animal protection groups in Greece announced that they had joined forces to set up the Wildlife Alliance for the conservation and protection of the country’s biodiversity.

Armed robbers got away with more than 1 million euros in a cinema-style robbery on Thursday afternoon in Lavrio, southeastern Attica, Greece. According to the police report, four masked suspects pulled up behind an armored truck parked outside a toy shop in central Lavrio at around 3.30 p.m.. They slashed the truck’s tires and after the vehicle’s guards returned the cash pickup, one of the assailants holding a gun forced the driver of the armored truck to hand over the money.

Always stay up to date with To Vima’ English Edition’s News Wrap-up.