Greek Tax Deadline Approaches, Extension Possible

A new meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning, just hours before the deadline, to re-evaluate the situation, with the possibility of a brief extension until July 31 remaining.

As the July 26 deadline for tax declarations looms, the Greek Ministry of Finance has left taxpayers and accountants in suspense, with an anticipated decision on whether to extend the deadline still pending.

Officials have indicated that the current deadline will expire tomorrow, but a meeting held yesterday at the ministry revealed that “the submission of declarations is progressing smoothly,” with an uptick in the daily submission rate observed since the beginning of the week.

On Monday, 130,050 E1 forms were filed, and Tuesday saw an increase to 151,112 declarations.

Nevertheless, in order to meet the original deadline, approximately 700,000 individual tax returns and over 60,000 corporate tax returns must be submitted within today and tomorrow.

Accountants have expressed concerns that this target may be unattainable, particularly as numerous amended declarations are also being processed during this period.

A new meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning, just hours before the deadline, to re-evaluate the situation, with the possibility of a brief extension until July 31 remaining.

To date, about 5.9 million declarations have been submitted. According to the  ministry’s spokesperson, approximately 200,000 declarations are currently in the system, awaiting final processing.

If an extension until July 31 is granted, it would facilitate meeting the required timelines.

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