Greek State Budget Primary Surplus at €13.489bln Jan.-Oct. 2024

A significant part of this surplus is attributed to the receipt of €3.2 billion in October from the new concession agreement for the Attiki Odos

Greek State Budget Primary Surplus at €13.489bln Jan.-Oct. 2024

The primary surplus reached €13.489 billion, according to the Greek state budget figures for the period January to October 2024, surpassing the target of €4.667 billion.

The state budget balance for the ten months showed a surplus of €6.078 billion. A significant part of this surplus is attributed to the receipt of €3.2 billion in October from the new concession agreement for the Attiki Odos, which had been anticipated to be collected in December 2024, as highlighted by the Ministry of Finance.

Based on the provisional data for the Greek state budget execution on a modified cash basis, for January to October 2024, there was a surplus of €6.078 billion compared to a projected deficit of €2.213 billion outlined in the 2024 Budget proposal and a deficit of €482 million for the same period in 2023.

The primary result, also on a modified cash basis, showed a surplus of €13.489 billion, exceeding the target of €4.667 billion and the primary surplus of €6.080 billion for the same period in 2023. A notable portion of this increase came from the October receipt of €3.241 billion from the new Attiki Odos concession, which was initially expected to be collected in December 2024.

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