Greek Public Revenue Body (IAPR) Launches Digital Tools to Crack Down on Fuel Smuggling

An electronic data collection mechanism will be linked to Tax Warehouses and Customs Warehouses input-output analysis systems, while a digital application will allow for registration of Energy Products by bunker vessels

Greek Public Revenue Body (IAPR) Launches Digital Tools to Crack Down on Fuel Smuggling

In its attempt to better monitor energy products and crack down on fuel smuggling into the country, Greece’s Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) is instituting an electronic data collection mechanism linked to Tax Warehouses and Customs Warehouses input-output analysis systems, as well as the operation of the digital application of the Energy Products Tank Register for bunker vessels.

As the Governor of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, George Pitsilis, said: “Digital data collection from Tax Warehouses and Customs Warehouses in the input-output system facilitates the market surveillance of energy products, while the new digital application for the Register of Bunker Tanks for sea vessels carrying Energy Products creates conditions for improving fuel control in the majority of the supply chain, expanding the functionalities of the Input-Output system.”

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