Greek Authorities ‘Slap’ Fines on Two Debt Collection Agencies for Customer Harrasment

Both agencies received the administrative penalty of 670,000 euros

Two of Greece’s major debt collection agencies, Cepal and DoValue, were fined a total amount of 670,000 euros for the illegal harassment of debtors, according to the Ministry of Development.

In an announcement, Development Minister Kostas Skrekas said “Violations of the law and unacceptable behavior by debt collection agencies are not acceptable. Companies must respect their citizens and abide by the laws that govern their operations. The Ministry of Development will continue to carry out intensive controls.” “Unacceptable behavior will not be accepted” he underlined.

Specifically, the two agencies that deal with overdue debts were fined for incessant phone calls to notify debtors about overdue debts, even though the clients had settled the outstanding debts.

Additionally, the agencies were fined for using offensive behavior and repeated harassment towards debtors.

Greek authorities ‘slapped’ the two debt collection agencies DoValue and Cepal with administrative penalties of 435,000 euros and 235,000 euros, respectively.

Citizens interested in submitting complaints and obtaining information on consumer protection and rights violations issues can call 1520 and visit the Ministry’s online address

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