The 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), organized in September 7 to 15, features Germany as the honored country and marks a new starting point for the largest national investor in Greece. With the slogan “Hallo Ελλάδα”, Germany is breaking a unique record for participation in a major international trade fair with a delegation of 123 companies.

Indicative of the importance that German entrepreneurs place on their presence in Greece is the fact that the delegation to the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair will be led by the Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, and the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir.

As data indicate, Germany is the largest national investor in Greece, with the turnover of German businesses in the country estimated at 11 billion euros (approximately 5% of GDP), employing 26,000 workers.

Moreover, the contribution of the Greek-German business community to GDP is estimated by IOBE at 7.9 billion euros or 3.8%. In 2022, net direct investments amounted to 7.7 billion euros. Greek product exports to Germany reached 3.3 billion euros in 2023, compared to 3.4 billion in 2022 and 2.8 billion in 2021.

Energy and networks are the new major focus for German businesses in Greece, with the country’s ideal geostrategic position in Southeastern Europe being the new investment narrative.

This is already evidenced by the longstanding presence of Deutsche Telekom in the share capital of the OTE Group and the investments being made in fiber optics.

Additionally, the German energy giant RWE has established a strategic partnership with the Public Power Corporation (PPC) for the development of renewable energy projects worth over 1 billion euros in Greece.

Furthermore, the German delegation of 123 businesses and other economic and educational entities is preparing a series of events during the 88th TIF. These events will cover logistics, transportation, shipping, the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, renewable energy, environmental technology, the digital economy, as well as research and education.