The overall import price index in industry for May 2024 grew 2.8% year on year, according to data provided by Greece’s Statistical Authority (ELSTAT).

The data uses 2015 as its base year and reveals that the same price index had dropped 20.8% from May 2022 to May 2023.

Fluctuations are primarily driven by a change in prices from the non-eurozone market, as the Eurozone market price index decreased slightly from May 2022 to May 2023, and has remained relatively flat since then.

ELSTAT details that from May 2023 to May 2024 the sub-indices of the markets changed as follows: the non-eurozone price index increased 4.4% and the eurozone index decreased 0.1%.

Some of the biggest changes in the cost of imported products, which drive changes in the import price index from May 2023 to May 2024, are for the manufacture of tobacco products (+8.7%), coke and refined petroleum products (+7.3%) and the extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (+7.1%).

More information can be found at ELSTAT.