ELSTAT: Industrial Production Up by 3.1% in Nov. 2023

The index of other manufacturing activities experienced the largest percentage decrease, while the index of the sector manufacturing electronic computers, electronic and optical products marked the highest percentage increase in November 2023 compared to October 2023.

According to data from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) there was a 3.1% increase in the Industrial Production Index of Nov.2023 compared to the corresponding index of Nov. 2022.

This came as a result to the following changes in the indexes of individual industrial sectors.
From the increase:
-By 5.9% in the mining and quarrying index.
-By 4% in the electricity supply index.
-By 2.8% in the manufacturing index. This increase was primarily contributed by rises in the construction of motor vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers (80.4%), electrical equipment manufacture (20.6%), manufacturing of electronic computers, electronic and optical products (19.4%), production of tobacco products (16.8%), and manufacturing of metal products (13.6%).
-By 2.7% in the water supply index.

The average Industrial Production Index for the period of January to November 2023, compared to the corresponding index for the period of January to November 2022, showed an increase of 2%.

The seasonally adjusted General Industrial Production Index for November 2023, compared to the corresponding index of October 2023, showed a decrease of 4.1%.

The index of other manufacturing activities experienced the largest percentage decrease, while the index of the sector manufacturing electronic computers, electronic and optical products marked the highest percentage increase in November 2023 compared to October 2023.

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